What is
Oni-no-Kyoto x Cycling Around Kyoto Challenge?
This is a cycling event aiming to conquer the cycling around Kyoto route while exploring spots
associated with Japan's Oni legends.
Join us on this unique journey through Kyoto!
Event Details(Japanese Page)
He is a cheerful and sociable person who loves to drink, but he is always aloof, a shadowy young man with an eerie quality that makes it hard to read what he is thinking behind the scenes.Heavy drinker.
A Oni who is close to and works together with Shuten-doji.
Usually takes on a small form.
A Oni girl living in Uji.
She is winsome and jealous, but she also has a caring side.
Because of
her past experiences, she cannot tolerate popular men and women.
She and Shuten-doji have been Oni
friends for a long time.
Major Spots
Address | 909 Busshoji, Oe-cho, Fukuchiyama City, Kyoto The nation's first museum specializing in Oni, which collects materials related to Oni from all over Japan and the world. Oni related materials and traditional performing arts are exhibited and introduced. In the garden, a huge Oni tile weighing 10t, a large Oni of Oeyama Heisei, sits and is popular as a photo spot!
Address | Taiza, Tango Town, Kyotango City, Kyoto The huge 20-meter-high "Tateiwa
Rock" is a Oni spot that tells the second oldest " Oni Legend of Prince Maroko (麻呂子親王)" in the "Three Oni
Legends of Oeyama".
Photo courtesy of Kyotango City
Address | Oe Kutsukake-cho, Nishikyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto Minamoto no Yorimitsu and his men defeated Shuten-doji on Mt. Oe and were about to return triumphantly to the capital with the head, but were warned by a Jizo (Koyasu Jizo) on the roadside not to bring the impure thing into Kyoto. The head suddenly stopped moving and was buried here.
Route Map
Kyoto and the Legend of Oni
In Kyoto Prefecture, there are many legends of Oni, including the
legend of Shuten-doji on Mt.Oe.
However, as we read through the legends of Oni in various parts of Kyoto
Prefecture, we found that Oni are not necessarily evil, but rather, they are sad and sorrowful beings who have died
an untimely death because they are "Oni".
We want more people to know the stories of these Oni, so we are
organizing tours and events that trace the traces of Oni through bicycles.
Why are the "stories of Oni" passed
down as legends in Kyoto?
What is the message of the legend of Oni?
See for yourself as you bike around the
places of legends.