Tips for Beginners

We will introduce necessary clothing, personal belongings, and points to consider when riding so that even beginners can enjoy cycling with ease.
Here is some useful information for those who are just starting out in cycling.

Cycling Essentials

  • 1 Helmet

    On easy roads, it is not uncommon for road bikes to reach speeds of 30 km/h or more. Wear a helmet to prevent head damage in an accident.

  • 2 Light / Reflector

    Even if you do not drive at night, you should turn on the lights to ensure your safety in dimly lit areas or when approaching tunnels.

  • 3 Bell

    As a light vehicle, bicycles must be honked in areas where there are "honk" road signs. A number of well-designed bells are available that do not detract from the appearance of the bicycle.

  • 4 Rock

    To prevent your car from being tampered with or stolen, lock your bicycle securely when you leave its side. Compact types of locks that can be attached to the vehicle body are also available.

  • 5 Identification document

    You will need your health insurance card when you receive medical attention at a hospital during a ride or in an unexpected accident. You may also be asked to show your ID when renting a bicycle or in the event of an accident.

Check the following items as well
  • Sweat and UV protection...Cycle Cap / Gloves / Sunglasses
  • Remember to take regular refreshment breaks while on the ride...Bottle / Bottle cage / Ration food
  • For medium to long distance rides...Puncture Repair Supplies / Rainwear / Warm Clothing


Choose clothing that is less ornate, well-fitted, and easy to move in. In addition, since you will sweat easily while cycling, clothing made of sweat-absorbent and quick-drying material is best. If you are riding long distances or have become accustomed to cycling, try wearing a cycle jersey. It reduces air resistance when riding and dries sweat quickly, making your riding more comfortable.

Keep your luggage as compact as possible

The more luggage you carry, the heavier the burden during the ride. It's best to minimize your load and make use of saddlebags, top tube bags, and backpacks to carry your essentials in a way that closely adheres to the bike and your body.

First time cycling

  • Plan your cycling time with some extra cushion

    Plan your schedule to allow plenty of time for problems and physical fitness while cycling. Also, assume that the return trip may take longer than the way there due to fatigue, etc.

  • Watch your pacing

    If you go full throttle right from the start, you might run out of energy in the second half. Let's ride at a pace mindful of the round trip.

  • Don't neglect to replenish your supply.

    You expend a lot of energy while cycling. Hydrate frequently during the ride, and if you feel hungry, take a refueling meal or stop at a convenience store or restaurant.

Rules & Manners

Bicycles are classified as light vehicles under the Road Traffic Law. When riding a bicycle, you must, in principle, ride on the left side of the roadway and obey traffic signals and signs for the roadway.
Be sure to observe traffic rules and manners and ride your bicycle safely.