Bicycle Rules & Manners

  • Ride on the left side of the roadway

  • When cycling on sidewalks, prioritize pedestrians and proceed slowly near the roadway.

  • Lights on at night

  • Compliance with signals and signs

  • Wear a helmet

  • No Drunk

  • Bicycle two-seater ban

  • No riding side-by-side

Five Rules for the Safe Use of Bicycles

To ensure safe use of bicycles, please follow the Five Rules for the Safe Use of Bicycles when riding a bicycle.

  • 1 In principle, bicycles should be driven on the roadway, with the exception of sidewalks, where pedestrians are given priority.

    • Where there is a distinction between sidewalks and roadways, as a rule, traffic should use the roadway.
    • When driving on the roadway: Keep to the left side of the road as you would in a car. Keep to the left side of the road.
    • When traveling on the sidewalk: Slow down (drive at a speed that allows you to stop immediately) on the portion of the sidewalk closest to the roadway from the center of the sidewalk. If you are blocking pedestrian traffic, stop temporarily.
  • 2 At intersections, obey traffic signals and stop signs, and check for safety.

    • When crossing a pedestrian crossing or when a pedestrian signal is marked “Pedestrians and bicycles only,” follow the pedestrian signal.
    • Always remember to stop and check for safety at stop signs and railroad crossings.
  • 3 Lights on at night

    Turn on lights at night and use reflectors or rear lights (tail lights) behind you.
    *When using flashing rear lights, reflectors should be used in conjunction.

  • 4 No drinking

    Riding a bicycle while under the influence of alcohol is prohibited.

  • 5 Wear a helmet

    All persons must wear a riding helmet when using a bicycle (including as a passenger).